***Note that details may be added or changed as we get closer to the date. Please be sure to check back and stay in the loop!
Start/Finish point: Cowichan Valley Auto Sales parking lot (aka McFrugal’s parking lot) at corner of Highway 1 and Beverly St. Enter from Beverly St roundabout.
Time: Saturday, August 17th, 2024. Canned Music starts at 5:30, cruise starts at 6:30. Cruise duration is approximately 67 minutes.
Eats: Smokies, Hot Dogs, Chips and Pop/Water are provided by Country Grocer and Grimms Meats. They will be ready when you return from the cruise thanks to our most excellent grilling team. All participants will receive a ticket which can be redeemed for the meal. Please consider making a donation towards the various charities we support.
Route: The route has been changed due to the new starting point and to avoid areas of major road construction. All participants will be given a sheet with driving instructions when they pull into the lot.
PSA: Although there will be people encouraging burnouts and stunt driving, that doesn’t mean everyone in their community enjoy the show. Some may be recording license plates, reporting to the police and/or registering complaints with the show organizers. Please ensure we can continue enjoying cruises by obeying traffic laws, driving responsibly and respecting all residents along the route. The Beverly Corners Show & Shine Society does not condone burnouts and hard pulls in residential areas.
The Route:
- Leave the Parking lot, turn Left towards traffic circle
- Use second exit on traffic circle towards Hwy 1.
- Turn Right onto Hwy 1 (Northbound)
- Turn Right onto Mays Rd (by COOP Cardlock)
- Stay on Mays Rd across Bell-McKinnon
- Turn Left onto Herd Rd
- Turn Right onto Maple Bay Rd
- Turn Left onto Osprey Rd
- Up the hill and turn Right onto Nevilane Dr
- Follow Nevilane Dr, through traffic circle onto Kingsview Rd
- Take First exit at roundabout onto Donnay Dr
- Turn Left onto Highwood Dr
- Turn Right onto Maple Bay Rd
- Turn Left onto Herd Rd
- Turn Left onto Lakes Rd.
- Turn Right onto Calais Rd
- Turn Left onto Wicks Rd
- Straight at Stop sign onto Lakes Rd
- Follow Lakes Rd to Tzouhalem Rd
- Turn Left at the Light onto Tzouhalem
- Take Second exit at roundabout onto Maple Bay Rd
- Turn Right onto Everest Way
- Turn Left at T and follow Everest Way to Donnay Dr
- Turn Right onto Donnay Dr and follow to Tzouhalem Rd
- Turn Left onto Tzouhalem Rd and follow to stop sign.
- Proceed straight at the stop sign onto Cowichan Bay Rd
- Follow Cowichan Bay Rd through Cowichan Bay
- ***Slow through Cowichan Bay***
- Proceed up hill after Cowichan Bay
- Turn Right at Koksilah Rd
- Turn right onto highway using the Merge lane and proceed back to Duncan
Go through Duncan and back to Cowichan Valley Autos lot for BBQ.
We look forward to seeing everyone out on Saturday Night!
*Note that details may be added or changed as we get closer to the date. Please be sure to check back and stay in the loop!